Certified Technicians
Qualified Technicians may apply to be a Certified Technicians after obtaining a practical experience which is determined by the Board (minimum 3 years working experience in the related technology and technical fields), paid the prescribed fee and complied with all of the criteria determined by the Board.
The 3 years working experience shall not be counted from the registration date as Qualified Technicians, however, MBOT will take into count the previous experience within the related Technology Fields. A Qualified Technicians who wishes to apply for Certified Technicians is required to sit for an assessment in the related Technology Fields. The non-refundable assessment fee of RM300 shall apply for each assessment.
After passing the assessment, the Qualified Technicians have to apply for Certified Technicians with a fee of RM200. Upon approval from the Board, a Certified Technician shall be entitled to:
- Approve and certify the manner or conduct of technical services to be carried out
- Describe himself/ herself or hold himself/ herself out under any name, style or title :
- Bearing the word Certified Technicians or the equivalent in other languages
- Using the abbreviated title “Tc.” Before his/ her name
- Using the abbreviation “C.Tech” and his/ her specialization after his/ her name
This Ceritified Technician title is renewal annually with a fee of RM100 subject to fulfilling 20 CPD hours endorsed by MBOT.