Professional Technical Certification
Background of Professional Development Certification
Professional Technical Certification is an integral part of the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)'s efforts to ensure high standards in the technology and technical sectors. MBOT has mapped the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) in collaboration with the Department of Skills Development (JPK) to technology and technical fields recognised by MBOT. This alignment ensures that the relevant NOSS is in sync with the technical services defined in the Technologists and Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768), which covers key areas such as product testing, product certification, and product maintenance.
Through this certification, graduates of accredited programmes gain the skills and qualifications necessary for career progression. They are provided with opportunities to register as Qualified Technicians and eventually achieve the status of Certified Technicians (Tc.), opening doors for further career advancement and professional recognition in the field. This certification system plays a crucial role in enhancing the technical workforce, ensuring that individuals meet industry standards and contribute to the growth and development of the technology and technical sectors in Malaysia.
The Requirement
- National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS)Approved by MBOT
NOSS approved by MBOT is eligible for application.
- Program Accreditation by Department of Skills Development (JPK)
The program must first obtain accreditation from JPK before applying to MBOT.
- Programme Requirements
i. Every programme must have at least one teaching staff registered as a Professional Technologist (Ts.) or Certified Technician (Tc.), while other teaching staff must be registered as Graduate Technologists (GT) or Qualified Technicians (QT).
ii. At least 70% of the total training hours must cover aspects of product testing, product commissioning, and product maintenance
- Certification Duration
The MBOT certification period will follow the accreditation period granted by JPK.
Example: If JPK accreditation expires on December 31, 2026, the MBOT certification will also expire on the same date.
- Certification Renewal
Applicants must first renew with JPK before submitting a renewal application to MBOT.
The following are the approved NOSS under MBOT:
It typically illustrates the step-by-step process Pusat Bertauliah must follow to obtain the certification by the Malaysian Board of Technologists (MBOT). While specific details may vary, please refer to the link for an overview of the typical flow.
Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for Certification
Step 1: Complete the Forms
Pusat Bertauliah are required to complete the following forms:
- Application Form
- Section A: General Information
- Section B: Details of Staff To Be Contacted
- Section C: Programme Information
- Section D: Mapping of Technical Services
Step 2: Payment of Fees
Pusat Bertauliah must make the payment according to the procedures outlined here:
Step 3: Submission of Application
Pusat Bertauliah must submit the completed forms (Application Form) along with the uploaded payment receipt via the following link:
Step 4: Application Acknowledgement
The TPDS will send an email confirmation acknowledging receipt of the application and payment. The TPDC of MBOT will then review the submitted documents to ensure they are complete and meet the required criteria.
Download Standard and Documents
To apply for certification or accreditation, please ensure that you have the following documents ready for submission. These documents can be viewed and downloaded through the links provided below:
Fee Structure