
MBOT was established as a professional body through a Technologists & Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768), to register and recognise Professional Technologist as well as Certified Technician as professionals. It was instigated by the recommendation of the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP), which has identified the needs for setting up a professional body to register and recognizing graduates of skills and technology.
In line with the 2nd strategic thrust of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy or DSTIN (Developing, Nurturing and Shining Talents) in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), MOSTI has implemented various programs to develop STI-related human resource capacity. Malaysia intends to become a developed and inclusive nation by the year 2020 whereby needs for human capital knowledgeable ethical to drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
In order to retain the number of TVET workforces growing in the industry, MBOT also assists in ensuring the quality of the profession is in line with the dynamic development of the current industry and current trends in manufacturing technologies include, among others, automation, Internet-of-things and cyber physical systems.